Sometimes, our customers write and tell us about their projects or collections. When they give us permission, we'll post them here. Here is one:

Just wanted to say hi and “thanks” and let you know the plates I purchased (Illinois 1969 Truck Set) are going to a great cause — my 1969 Custom Camper C20. Fully loaded, only missing factory Tach. and Cruse. I have owned it for 14 years now.
I bought it in Arizona and towed it back on a tow bar behind a 1967 suburban. I included here both a before and after picture.

I love my truck (Old Blue ) more each year. He is a real hunk for 50 years old and only 8 years younger than me! LOL.
Thank you so much. Mark
PS Check out some of these sites that I have a own which feature Chevy Trucks—

Thanks for Writing!
Barb Sistak and Tom Baur
The License Plate Gal and The License Plate Guy
at License Plate Garage